All forums of the Grande Ball will be locked until the day of the Ball. When the Forums open, All visitors from the outside MUST enter using the Pods. Noone will just magically appear in the ballroom. Also, there will be no posting in the regular Siram forums. All posts are to take place in the Grande Ball Folder.
To avoid chaos, and unnecessary confusion, please be sure to rp in the location where your character is located. (No posting in the ballroom, if your character is currently visiting the courtyard.) Also, Micah has requested that the Ball remain peaceful. If you MUST get into a fight at that moment, leave the ball, and you may fight on the islands. Under this condition, you may post in the regular Siram forums, as you are currently not involved in the Ball.
I urge you all to read the forum descriptions before posting. This adds to the quality of your post, and reduces the confusion of stating something that doesn't apply. Thank you and enjoy!